Welcome Parents/Guardians!
As the parent/guardian of a Work-Based Learning student, I encourage you to read the WBL Student Handbook (located under the WBL Admission tab on the menu bar). In addition, I would like to invite you to attend the mandatory WBL Orientation with your child. In order for your child to be success in the program, it is important to understand the policies and procedures as detailed in the handbook. Please feel free to contact me via email or cell phone. My contact information is located at the bottom of this page. I welcome your comments, concerns, and questions, as we work together to ensure your child's best learning experience! Please make sure you have read and signed the following document. This WBL Required Document is distributed to the WBL student during orientation and should be returned by the WBL student to the WBL Coordinator by the designated deadline. A PDF file of the WBL Required Document can be located under the Admission Info tab on the menu. Please make sure your child provides you with this form. He/she must return this form to the WBL Coordinator by the designated deadline.
As the parent/guardian of a Work-Based Learning student, I encourage you to read the WBL Student Handbook (located under the WBL Admission tab on the menu bar). In addition, I would like to invite you to attend the mandatory WBL Orientation with your child. In order for your child to be success in the program, it is important to understand the policies and procedures as detailed in the handbook. Please feel free to contact me via email or cell phone. My contact information is located at the bottom of this page. I welcome your comments, concerns, and questions, as we work together to ensure your child's best learning experience! Please make sure you have read and signed the following document. This WBL Required Document is distributed to the WBL student during orientation and should be returned by the WBL student to the WBL Coordinator by the designated deadline. A PDF file of the WBL Required Document can be located under the Admission Info tab on the menu. Please make sure your child provides you with this form. He/she must return this form to the WBL Coordinator by the designated deadline.